Returning to Penn State
If you GRADUATED from Penn State, or your CUMULATIVE GPA was ABOVE a 2.0 after your last semester of attendance:
Step 1:
- Fill out the Undergraduate Re-enrollment Form and print.
*NOTE: You MUST print and sign
Step 2:
- If you attended another college or university since attending Penn State, send official transcripts to:
Undergraduate Admissions Office
201 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802.
Step 3:
- Apply for financial aid with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Additional information on Financial Aid at Penn State DuBois.
Step 4:
Once your re-enrollment is approved, you will be contacted by the Academic Advising Office to schedule your classes.
- If your GPA after your last date of attendance at Penn State was below a 2.0 please contact Admissions at or 814-375-4761 for additional information.
If you have any questions about any part of this process or if you need any assistance, please contact Tharren Thompson, Adult Enrollment Services Specialist, at 814-375-4761 or at